What Parts In a Computer are Gold

are there gold parts in a computer
What parts in a computer are gold? Before you attempt to throw away or donate that old computer that filled your life with nothing but hassle you might want to remove the scrap gold from the tower.

Working or not the computer is still valuable and not just for the copper, tin or steel it contains.

Many scrappers do not know what parts in a computer are gold and as a result, they throw it away or leave it by the curb with the other trash.

Finding gold to sell is not an easy task. Rings, necklaces and other gold jewelry are rarely found on the street.

Depending on the neighborhood where you scrap however, you are likely to find an old computer in the trash at one out of every 15 stops that you make.

In the video below provided by indeedItdoes, the process of identifying all of the parts in your computer that are gold is outlined.

We are always in search of new ideas and free ways to help you make more money selling scrap metal.

Once you know what parts in a computer are gold, you may want to add free computer disposal to the list of services that your scrap metal business offers.

You can sell gold scrap just as you sell metal. Take a few minutes and watch this video.

As you have seen from watching this video, there is a lot more scrap gold in that old computer than you were thinking.

Removing the gold does take a little time and effort but once removed the work that it required will be well worth it.

Other than a television commercial or movie, how many times have you actually held a real nugget of gold?

Gold covered computer partsWhen you hear about local businesses accepting old non-working computers from people that just want to get rid of them, these companies perform the same technique for removing the gold that you saw in the video above.

These companies may present themselves to the public as computer repair locations but they are actually scrappers just like you that have built there business up to the point that they are able to solely concentrate on one type of metal, gold.

Some of these companies even offer to pay people a small fee for their computer.

The fee’s are generally small because they often base what they are able to offer you on the age of your computer. The amount of gold inside is not calculated into that fee.